
install PhoneGap pushPlugin 2.0.0 on ubuntu/Osx

Problem We’re using phonegap-plugin-push to Register and receive push notifications to ionic applications and unfortunately that’s get updated. Version 2.0.0, this plugin will support CocoaPods installation of the Firebase Cloud Messaging library.

Cordova/Ionic Error page Html Handling

Recently I worked on Hybrid Mobile Application and got Network Dependency to Start Application. Also What if Internet now available. So it’s pretty simple without writing own code and using Cordova Configuration.

ionic appCache HTML5

Recently I worked on IonicApp, AppCache @ HTML5 and thought it to update application assets in cache without updating app to Stores. Requirements Deploy an Ionic App to Heroku Refer last blog √ Ionic app that display webView of server√ update config.

ionic Heroku Deploy

Recently I worked on IonicApp and thought it must be possible to run it over Heroku and that works. Requirements Heroku-Toolbet √ Ionic √ node √ Install express {% highlight ruby %} npm install express –save {% endhighlight %}

ionic autoupdate application noDeploy

cordova-app-loader Remote update your Cordova App, Write a manifest.json to bootstrap.js your app. Build and deploy your app. A little later… Upload an update to your server (manifest.json + files) Use CordovaAppLoader to

Ionic cordova-Geolocation

Install cordova plugin by running this command Try to handle every possible situations like Location services disbaled / Or user don’t allow permission to your application cordova plugin add org.

Ionic Hide keyBoard

On both Android and iOS, Ionic will attempt to prevent the keyboard from obscuring inputs and focusable elements when it appears by scrolling them into view. In order for this to work, any focusable elements must be within a Scroll View or a directive such as Content that has a Scroll View.

Install Android, Cordova, and Ionic Framework in Ubuntu

Requirements: Java JDK Apache Ant Android SDK NodeJS / NPM Apache Cordova Ionic Framework Steps: * Download a shell script by clicking on this link ** * Extract and goto extracted folder.