install PhoneGap pushPlugin 2.0.0 on ubuntu/Osx


We’re using phonegap-plugin-push to Register and receive push notifications to ionic applications and unfortunately that’s get updated.

Version 2.0.0, this plugin will support CocoaPods installation of the Firebase Cloud Messaging library.


Install CocoaPods and re-build the platforms is only the requirement

To install CocoaPods, please follow the installation instructions here.

sudo gem install cocoapods

After installing CocoaPods, please run:

pod setup

This will clone the required CocoaPods specs-repo into your home folder at ~/.cocoapods/repos, so it might take a while.

cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push@2.0.0

and do the build process for android and iOs. You also need a google-services.json from Firebase to build apk(s).

And if you get stuck… Ask Here

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Rajeev Sharma
Technical Lead

software entrepreneur and father of a fairy tale!!!.
