namecheap ssl cert authority invalid fix
Happy New Year
Last year we deployed our rails application over nginx with ssl certificates obtained from namecheap. everything ewas working fine but over Android moblie we found a bug as in image below
We got two files from NameCheap for example:
- youdomainname.crt
What we missed to combine the certificates(thought ca-bundle is already combination). We’re wrong and our application stopped working on android phone’s browser.
It is mandatory to combine the certificates in case of PositiveSSL. It will look like:
$ cat *yourdomainname*.crt COMODO_DV_SHA-256_bundle.crt >> cert_chain.crt
$ cat *yourdomainname*.crt *yourdomainname*.ca-bundle >> cert_chain.crt
Sample nginx configuration
ssl on;
# ssl_certificate should be pointed to the file with combined certificates (file you created in step 2)
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/cert_chain.crt;
# ssl_certificate_key should be pointed to the Private Key that has been generated with the CSR code that you have used for activation of the certificate.
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/*your_private_key*.key;
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