Prawn ruby link annotation,Ruby select note
Text Annotation - Pdf
Pdf(Portable document format) has beautiful feature called text annotation. you can add detailed text information with available clipped images
Available annotations in current pdf spec are :
Text Annotation - Prawn
Via prawn you can define Text annotations easily. A convenience method for creating Text annotations. rect must be an array of four numbers, describing the bounds of the annotation. contents should be a string, to be shown when the annotation is activated.
Text annotation by Code - Sample: {% highlight ruby %} prawn_pdf = prawn_pdf.text_annotation(rect, contents, options = {}) {% endhighlight %}
Ruby Select Quick note
if we need to grep some strings from an array with a defined pattern, it is advisable to use select. and this is how i used it.
{% highlight ruby %} array = [‘dhhjdfshgd’, ‘sadsdhjgsfgdhf ‘, ‘’] {|item| item[/\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i]} {% endhighlight %}
Quite useful for me.
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