CSS Preprocessor @-Rule import


CSS @import Rule

CSS @-rule have @import directive which is one of the most popular and helpful directive for web developer(s)/designer(s). Sass also extends the CSS @import rule to allow it to import SCSS and Sass files. All imported SCSS and Sass files will be merged together into a single CSS output file. In addition, any variables or mixins defined in imported files can be used in the main file.

Sass preprocessors automatically consider all .scss or .sass files inside the current directory or given load_paths for compliation .but if you need to import you may not need to compile it directly, for that you need to inform preprocessors to not compile a file. put an underscore to the start of that file name, Sass preprocessors will ignore it for compilation. for example rename extended.scss to extended.scss

Files named this way are called partials in Sass terminology.

How they works - BackStage

Rules for include style into our styles

@import takes a filename to import. By default, it looks for a Sass file to import directly, but there are a few circumstances under which it will compile to a CSS @import rule:

  • If the file’s extension is .css.
  • If the filename begins with http://.
  • If the filename is a url().
  • If the @import has any media queries.
ways for include style into our styles

{% highlight css %} @import “extended.scss”; {% endhighlight %} OR {% highlight css %} @import “extended.scss”; {% endhighlight %} would both import the file extended.scss, whereas

{% highlight css %} @import “foo.css”; @import “foo” screen; @import “http://foo.com/bar"; @import url(foo); {% endhighlight %}

would all compile to

{% highlight css %} @import “foo.css”; @import “foo” screen; @import “http://foo.com/bar"; @import url(foo); {% endhighlight %}

To import multiple files in one import. {% highlight css %} @import “rounded-corners”, “text-shadow”; {% endhighlight %}

And if you get stuck… Ask Here

email me rajeevsharma86@gmail.com

Rajeev Sharma
Technical Lead

software entrepreneur and father of a fairy tale!!!.
