CodePush Ionic Instant updates
We're using an Mobile Application creator framework which need to update application instantly.
Without using Store(s) Google-Play, App-store and as expected solution must be easy/Generic.
CodePush is a cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly
to their users’ devices. It works by acting as a central repository that developers can publish certain updates to
(e.g. JS, HTML, CSS and image changes), and that apps can query for updates from (using our provided client SDKs).
How to give it a Try.
Install the CodePush CLI
npm install -g code-push-cli # may be with sudo
Create a CodePush account
code-push register
code-push login
create a blank Ionic App, lets call it instantApp
$ ionic start instantApp sidemenu
CodePush-ify your mobile client
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-code-push
Register your app with the service
code-push app add instantApp
# you’ll get deployment keys per environment
Create one deployment per target platform using the
{% highlight ruby %}
{% endhighlight %}
Allow access to the CodePush server:
- In config.xml, add
<access origin=" " />
- In your html pages where the plugin is used, add the server URL to your existing Content Security Policy (CSP) header:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' ... ">
doSomeCode It’s Sample
{% highlight ruby %}
var onError = function (error) { console.log(“An error occurred. " + error); };
var onApplySuccess = function () { console.log(“Apply succeeded. Reloading the application…"); };
var onPackageDownloaded = function (localPackage) { localPackage.apply(onApplySuccess, onError); };
var onUpdateCheck = function (remotePackage) { if (!remotePackage) { console.log(“The application is up to date."); } else { console.log(“A CodePush update is available. Package hash: " + remotePackage.packageHash);, onError); } };
window.codePush.checkForUpdate(onUpdateCheck, onError);
{% endhighlight %}
Create an application update package
- Prepare your application
cordova prepare <platform>
We are not deploying binaries in updates, so prepare is enough for this step. The cordova build command works as well for this step, since it calls cordova prepare behind the scenes.
Deploy update using the CodePush CLI
For Android:
code-push release <appName> path_to_your_app/platforms/android/assets/www <appStoreVersion> --deploymentName <AndroidDeploymentName>
For iOS:
code-push release <appName> path_to_your_app/platforms/ios/www <appStoreVersion> --deploymentName <iOSDeploymentName>
The service should now return an update when calling
And if you get stuck… Ask Here
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