ionic autoupdate application noDeploy
Remote update your Cordova App, Write a manifest.json to bootstrap.js your app. Build and deploy your app.
A little later…
Upload an update to your server (manifest.json + files) Use CordovaAppLoader to
{% highlight ruby %}
check() for a new manifest
download() files
update() your app!
{% endhighlight %}
Check out Cordova App Loader in Chrome for a demo! (Chrome only!)
Or run on your own computer:
{% highlight ruby %}
git clone
cd cordova-app-loader
cordova platform add ios@3.7.0
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
cordova run ios
{% endhighlight %}
All code is in the www
directory. Modify serverRoot in www/app.js
to run your own server.
And if you get stuck… Ask Here
email me