unix linux shell script code snippet

Generating script logs with timestamp

Just as the duration of script it’s useful to have time-stampped log. Use following function to log time for every output.

{% highlight javascript %} log() { echo [date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S] $* } {% endhighlight %}

Call the function as follows instead of simply “echo"ing.

{% highlight javascript %} log “my string to be logged” {% endhighlight %}

Reading variables from config file

Create a config file with contents as follows:

{% highlight javascript %} key1=value1 key2=value2 {% endhighlight %}

Add following line in the beginning of the shell script:

{% highlight javascript %} . configfile {% endhighlight %}

This will load the key value pairs and you may verify & access the values as $key1 or $key2.

And if you get stuck… Ask Here

email me rajeevsharma86@gmail.com

Rajeev Sharma
Technical Lead

software entrepreneur and father of a fairy tale!!!.