ReactJS - To start guide for Rails developers. Part - 1

Introduction to React.js

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces by Facebook and Instagram. Many people choose to think of React as the V in MVC. We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time. To do this, React uses two main ideas. For more details visit

A mock expense tracking app

For this guide, we are building a small application from scratch to keep track of our expenses; each record will consist of a date, a title and an amount. A record will be treated as Credit if its amount is greater than zero, otherwise it will be treated as Debit. Here is a mockup of the project:


Summarizing, the application will behave as follows:

  • When the user creates a new record through the horizontal form, it will be appended to the records table
  • The user will be able to inline-edit any existing record
  • Clicking on any Delete button will remove the associated record from the table
  • Adding, editing or removing an existing record will update the amount boxes at the top of the page

Let’s Start

{% highlight ruby %}

First things first we need to started our brand new Rails project

rails new reactExample

Add react-rails to your Gemfile.

gem ‘react-rails’, ‘~> 1.0’ {% endhighlight %}

react-rails comes with an installation script, which will create a components.js file and a components directory under app/assets/javascripts where our React components will live.

{% highlight ruby %} rails g react:install {% endhighlight %}

If you take a look at your application.js file after running the installer, you will notice three new lines:

{% highlight ruby %} //= require react //= require react_ujs //= require components {% endhighlight %}

{% highlight ruby %} rails g resource Record title date:date amount:float # Creating the Resource

rake db:create db:migrate {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight ruby %} Record.create title: ‘Record 1’, date:, amount: 500 Record.create title: ‘Record 2’, date:, amount: -100

rake db:seed {% endhighlight %}

Nesting Components: Listing Records


{% highlight ruby %} class RecordsController < ApplicationController def index @records = Record.all end end {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight ruby %} <%= react_component ‘Records’, { data: @records } %> {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight ruby %} @Records = React.createClass getInitialState: -> records: getDefaultProps: -> records: [] render: -> React.DOM.div className: ‘records’ React.DOM.h2 className: ‘title’ ‘Records’ React.DOM.table className: ‘table table-bordered’ React.DOM.thead null, null, null, ‘Date’ null, ‘Title’ null, ‘Amount’ React.DOM.tbody null, for record in @state.records React.createElement Record, key:, record: record {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight ruby %} @amountFormat = (amount) -> ‘$ ' + Number(amount).toLocaleString() {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight ruby %} @Record = React.createClass render: -> null, null, null, @props.record.title null, amountFormat(@props.record.amount) {% endhighlight %}

Current State

You can take a look at the resulting code of this section here, And Please wait for Part-2.

And if you get stuck… Ask Here

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Rajeev Sharma
Technical Lead

software entrepreneur and father of a fairy tale!!!.
